Treasures, Blessings and Life

August 23, 2017

There are so many unexpected things in life.  We get up every morning thinking its gonna be a regular day. I know I’m guilty of driving to school thinking about so many things I don’t enjoy the music or time to relax.  On Monday I was so focused on my to do list I drove right by a wreck and never noticed it was 2 of our students.  God is so good and they are okay but the Semi truck that hit them never stopped.  My point is we have to slow down when we are allowed time to slow down. Other wise we miss things like blessings and treasures, but we also miss opportunity to give a helping hand.  Thankfully another mom saw the boys and stopped to make sure they were okay.

Many times I pick things up from trash piles sit out for the trash man to pick up.  Sometimes, with not much work at all you have a treasure with just a little sanding, paint or stain.  Other times it’s a complete over haul, add a few parts and sand until the cows come home.  Many times I buy from auctions that are sight unseen items until I go to pick them up and pay.  At that point you take a deep breath as they bring it to the register.  Your though is, will it be good or bad, trashed or almost like new and my all time favorite will it be usable or broken beyond repair.  Pictures on the websites can only offer so much.  I have learned over the years of doing this that dealing with an auction house that is of quality and good customer service is the best route to go.  That is why I deal with mainly they are always on top of things.  Their pictures always show you the product with several different angles.  I’ve never had an issue with them.

Just this week I picked up a piece from one of their many auctions.  Like I said it was sight unseen until they were loading it into my truck.  My first thought was,  it’s a well made piece and sturdy so I’ll use it in the garage.  It’s really not a piece I could redo for the Blue Happy store.  So I thought until I got it home and unloaded it. I noticed a little bit of the wood peeking through the old paint.  It looked really beautiful so I grabbed the sander and went to work.  Oh my goodness the wood underneath was stunning.  As I sanded I got a clear picture in my head as to how this piece needed to be restored.  This cabinet is covered in old paint that is going to take days to clear off.  When it’s done I will have a piece that will look good in any home.  I can’t wait for you to see the finished piece.

If I would  have just stuck it in my garage I would have missed its beauty.  It is a treasure that had been covered in many years of paint, dirt and stains.  I’m taking the time to bring it back to its glory or the glory it should have had in the first place.  That glory is yet to be seen but soon you will. This piece will make its appearance in the Blue Happy Store some time next week I’ll let you know.  You will not believe what it has become. 

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