

The BIG Picture In Your Home Is……

Look let’s face it you can buy that amazing slightly rusted hutch or that just perfect old piece of wood wheel to hang over your entry table but without lighting it’s all just piece’s that will never shine. When it comes to lighting you can go to any big box Store and buy a package deal. They will help you cover every room in the house. While that is nice and your house will match all the way through. That’s not...

Turn Your Day Around

Ugh yesterday was less than a banner day. It started out normal and fine but ended up less than Blue Happy. I’m gonna be honest and honestly I just wanted to go to bed. I’ve said before that I try not to sweat the small stuff. There are days the small stuff starts to add up and eventually pulls you down. Today would be one of those piled up small stuff days. So what do you do when your day starts...