Answering This Question Is Hard

December 28, 2018

Where did 2018 go? Seems like yesterday that it was this time last year and 2018 hadn’t even started. I remember blogging about 2018 and planning to live it without limits as if it would be my last year. I said I would do things I hadn’t done before, walk a path of no fear and I would challenge myself to try those things presented to me. For the most I did just that. I have walked through doors that were unknown to me. I opened a store in Waco at Cameron Trading Company. My thought was if it’s not successful I’ll just pack up my stuff and take it home. Little did I know that BoHo Buffalo and Junky Monkey would follow just a few months later in the year. Now, that walking without fear thing I’ve not quiet conquered. I did and do walk with a bit of fear in keeping up with all of this, 4 store fronts, blogging and never ending orders. I work on the fear factor every day. It truly is my weak spot in my heart. Through this year I have been presented with projects, opportunities and out right amazing challenges. I can truly say I’ve tried them all. Some of these things turned out to be just nothing much but a lot of hot air, but other challenges turned out to be successful like Camerons, BoHo Buffalo and Junky Monkey. I can’t even tell you just how scared I was to put Blue Happy out there in these stores. This was a step up from anything I had done so far and I didn’t want to fail. Yes there is that fear factor that screams in my head. I’m so very glad I didn’t give in to that fear. Some projects are still in the works for 2019. I’m working on those everyday and look forward to sharing them as they come. Blue Happy seems to have things right on track and moving into 2019. We added 2 new employees this year Anna who takes care of things at Camerons in Waco and Heather who is the computer guru of this operation.

My personal life and Blue Happy are one in the same. Around my house we live and breath Blue Happy Living. Because really there isn’t much room for more. I did make a few personal goals this year. I wanted to run more and clean up my diet. I do run more and my eating is as clean as I can get it. Lets face it I’m not always perfect. Who can say no to chips. I wanted to get my house and work space separated and we did that in late October. We started BHL 3 years ago when I turned 50. Crazy to think of how much has happened and the growth in only 3 years. About a year and a half ago God put something on my heart and I have struggled with it all this time. That struggle has come to an end as I have finally decided to follow what God is leading me to do. This might be cruel but I’m not at liberty to tell anything about that just yet. News on that is just around the corner. This was a deep personal decision and I didn’t take it lightly. I’m scared but willing to follow this path even though its full of fear and the unknown. I know God is my strength.

This brings me to the question of the year. How did you spend your year? Was it wasted on things or people that didn’t make you happy? Did you sit and think of things you wanted or needed to do but didn’t act on them? Are you leaving this year with unfinished business? Is there someone you wanted to makeup with, love more or just be a better friend to? What ever the question you have in your heart and mind pull them out and give them thought. After all it’s just a year. Come January 1st 2019 you have one more chance to get it right. On New Years Eve I will post about some big plans for BHL and my personal life. Moving forward into 2019 looks pretty promising and Blue Happy.

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