

Words Do Hurt

Anger can cause us to spit out words that we really don’t mean.  Or is it that when we are angry we say things we mean but would never say in a calm state.  What ever the case minding our mouth and the words that come out is something we should all take care of.  Words from others hurtful or good are things we can’t ever take out of our head.  Words we say to others have no delete button....

Really Didn’t Wanna Go

I’m a person that has a very small window of social time. I do go out and my life is busy but for the most socializing isn’t something I don’t do a lot of. Recently I was invited to a girls night out with teachers and staff from my school.  I don’t know most of these women outside of passing them on the side-walk or in a meeting. I appreciate the effort made to help us all bond more but...

Monday Morning Up Date

Oh my what a great weekend. My days were spent doing what I wanted to do. I was a bit selfish and made my time be mine. I so enjoyed doing the projects I wanted to do and not doing anything I didn’t want to do. Gotta love when that happens. The front curb appeal to my house is coming along but, thank you mister 50 degree nights didn’t allow me to finish my flower beds. I have all the...