Opening Up and Sharing My Life

October 17, 2017

I’ve written this blog for over 2 years now. So many mile stone’s have been reached in those short 24 months. I reached my goal of weight loss, I’ve added 2 new grand daughters to my family, added a daughter in law, opened a store front for Blue Happy projects and next week a new mile stone I never thought I would ever see.

A few months back I received a texted telling me about a sister I had never met. What I thought was my older sister that I knew all my life is now my middle sister. My new sister is now my oldest sister. WOW confusing right? I was really confused not to mention scared and dismayed by all this news. I wasn’t sure what all of this meant and I still don’t. My faith tells me to trust and on this one I’m just gonna have to do that. This little girl was born to my Mother before she married my daddy. Only those close to me know that I don’t have a relationship with my Mother and the sister I grew up with. The details of that aren’t important to anyone but me. So I want bore you with all the family drama that went along with the dissolve of my relationship with them. With that said I’m at the beginning journey with this new sister. So many question, much to learn and so much to share.

My past is loaded with good and bad, but I own it. What I didn’t like I changed. Who I became as an adult was my story to write. So I set out at the ripe old age of 21 to write that story. I have many chapters full of interesting stories with happy endings. Sometimes those stories and relationships didn’t have a happily ever after. I don’t regret any of my life, to be honest I have no regrets ever. Those things that didn’t play out so well, I’ve learned from. Looking back I’ve had more good in my life than bad, more love than hate and for sure I’ve been blessed more often than not.  I’ve been an open book sharing my life over the past two years so why stop now.  It would be impossible to write over the next few weeks without sharing what is about to happen.  My new sister will be visiting Texas and a guest in my home.  I’m excited with an open mind and heart.  My only hope for this visit is we can be open and honest with each other, to build a relationship as adults and not on past drama.  I’ve briefly met her a few weeks ago and she is a very kind person.  The visit was strained as other family members  were there and conversation was limited.  Silly but I walked away with so many questions like whats her favorite color, are you artsy, what is your favorite food, did you know we were out here and the questions go on and on.

Only time will tell as to how all this will play out, but I’m hoping for the best.  No one can know what is around the corner, only God knows.  I’m just blessed to have a new day to discover all that life has to offer good or bad.  Everyday life is changing, babies are growing, dreams are being fulfilled and relationship begin and end.  I try to face each day with my head clear and prayers said.  Always keeping in mind never is a minute of life promised only gifted. Once given then we should cherish it and live it to it’s fullest.

More about LaTonya

    1. I’m so happy for both of you! Having a surprise sister is a wonderful thing. 💕

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