I’m Back!!!! Well kinda

November 26, 2016

I think I have lost a day or two.  I just can’t get my head back on track because I thought all day Friday it was Saturday. My only reason to give for not posting this blog,  So sorry maybe a weekend full of nothing will put me back on some kinda time frame.

I’ve done a few redo’s in my time over the past year and a half for the blog but this one is tops.  I found this round table in an auction Rustybydesignauction.com no one was bidding on it.  So I thought sight unseen I would bid on it.  Opening bid was $5 and guess what now someone wanted it.  So we, meaning myself and the other bidder went back and forth for over an hour raising the bid $1 at time until it was all over.  I won the table for a whooping $12.  I was  a bit nervous about picking it up because I didn’t go to the preview day.  The description said it was an odd height.  Well boy was it, to short to be a breakfast table, to large to be a child’s table.  So what is a girl to do with a table that has the 3 little bear syndrome.  LOL this tables to short and this table to big see what I mean.

This table was starting to get really involved in its redo but I had to see what was under all those years of ugly stain, varnish and years of living.  I started the sanding and oh my gosh what I was seeing was  a table that was going to be so beautiful that I wanted to cry. Yes furniture can make me cry especially when I see a piece that most would walk past or put in the trash. With just a bit of TLC it can come to life to hang out in your house for many more years to come.

First things first I had to deal with the height issue.  I took the table over to my daughter’s house and sat it in front of the sofa.  We all had opinions including my son-in-law.  We all finally agreed it needed to be 6 inches shorter. Home I went, out came the saw and off came 6 inches and now comes the hard work.  I had to sand and sand and sand to get off all the grime, stain and gunk from years past.  What was under that was amazing wood in all kinds of shades, grains and types.  I truly sat in my garage and stared at it for over an hour. It’s beauty over whelmed me and if it was this beautiful now how would it look stained and finished out.  I couldn’t stop I worked until it was finished sanded, stained, clear finished and all put back together.  Greg finished it off with new felt stoppers on the bottom of each leg.

Do you see the beauty in this table.  How many times have we all walked by something or someone and thought ehh it or they are a mess.  I’m not going there because it’s hopeless.  This table in a way is like so many of us.  We are just covered in grim, old stains and gunk.  We just need a little TLC and our beauty can shine through.  I hope you enjoy this Friday blog on Saturday morning.  Look a deal is a deal and a bargain is a bargain so if you have a will there is always a  way.  Just like the dudes in this photo OMgosh I thought I was gonna pop a stitch!   Mondays blog is already to post at 7am, as is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays blog.  Have a Blue Happy weekend and look for the beauty under the grim.

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