Happy Thanksgiving 

November 24, 2016

Our day started with a call from our son at 4am. Our daughter in law Ali is 24 weeks pregnant and in labor. This has been going on all week but we thought we had it under control. Please God let our sweet Lyla May stay in her mommies tummy a bit longer. What ever Gods plan is as a Christian it’s hard to just stand by but I know His hands are on this. 

I always make a special dish for them because they are our veggie kids. Ali can’t eat anything but liquids today. So Greg and I took a pan of it to their house while Dallas was home taking care of their animals. I’m so proud of my son he is growing up this is what he posted on facebook. All I could say through the tears was thank you God for letting me be this young mans momma. 

I was cleaning my kitchen and was listening to music. I had bread baking for tomorrow. I finished and went to take a break before I start on the living and dining rooms. I see Ali sitting on the couch with my dog while watching Smallville and crocheting scarves to sell now that she can’t work for awhile. This year more than ever I have realized all I have to be thankful for. I now have a wonderful wife and soon to have a wonderful baby girl. Ali could have spent her holiday in the hospital but gets to be close to family. I have the best friends in the world that I have never been closer to. They are supportive and excited to be in Lyla’s life. My job hours are long and money isn’t abundant but I have what I need. My health has always been pretty great. My dog and two cats love me and are healthy and happy. I’m an uncle to two hyper boys and a smiley little baby girl. My parents have a small but growing business. My sister just got a new home to raise her growing family. My sister-in-law is getting married. There might be a lot of junk going on but a lot more awesome surrounding my family. So I’m thankful. Ali Matt Benjamin Caitlin Kat LaTonya GT Heather Bella Clint. -Dallas-

Words are hard to come up with that express my love for my kids. There are so few that have value enough to express my heart. I watched my daughter sitting on a chair holding her new daughter this morning  I almost cried because I know that she is holding her very best friend in her arms. That’s what Heather is to me. 

My husband had been such a great caregiver to me. I’m completely off pain meds (haven’t told my Dr yet), manageing my pain with Advil and prayer, the itching is sometime bad and sometime mild. If I step back and look at it all I’m blessed beyond what I ever thought I would be. Happy Thanksgiving ya’ll may your day be so Blue Happy and full of memories. 

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