Why Blue Happy Living

July 1, 2015

Have you ever really thought about what makes happy? Everyday we move in and out of our daily lives feeling stressed, unhappy, tired and just blah. I had come to that point 2 and a half years ago so I set out to find out what and why I was unhappy. I made 2 lists: my unhappy list and my happy list. Sadly my unhappy list was soooooo long and my happy list…well it was oh so short. I prayed about my list hoping God would rise me in the morning with a new outlook on things. I did wake the next day with the feeling of being renewed in my hopes to change things. I started with the one thing I thought I could change on my own. I ate junk and a lot of it, I never exercised and I weighed 282lbs. I started my journey with small and big steps and added more things each day to make an improvement with my health. I began to organize my life and home to make it work for me not against me, and I prayed a lot. I noticed my art and paintings began to have different colors and my outlook each day was one of gratefulness. I started to look forward to Monday and that was odd. I always hated Mondays because it was always so stressful. Many other things began to change. I loved cleaning and organizing my home and classroom. I thought ok I must be dreaming. The day did come when all that was going right went oh so wrong nothing was coming together that day. Just before I left for school I went outside to just take a moment within a few minutes I was calm and ready to face the day. Not sure what happened but it worked. As time passed I would find myself going outside every time I got up set. It worked everytime. I never really thought about it and didn’t really care. Then one day it I figured it out! I can be a very high stressed person and go over the top about things in seconds. No, I’m not perfect, bahahaha! That’s when it happened, my husband said you need to go outside and gets some blue happy. I said what are you talking about and walked outside sat in my pool chair and it hit me like a skillet to the head. I get happy outside because of the blue sky. It makes me Blue Happy and that’s how I now live life. So Blue Happy Living began. Please enjoy this journey with me and learn to find your happy.

More about LaTonya

1 Comment
    1. i love it! I have found my blue happy too LaTonya!

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