A New Adventure

August 27, 2015

With the bathroom remodel coming to an end and it being the star of Fridays blog we have started a new adventure at our house.  Wow no down time…guess we will do that later, or not.  The studio will be in my back yard full of charm and built with love.

This studio space will serve two purposes.  First it will be a place for me to create, work and dream.  On the weekends it will serve as a gathering place for my family.  The french doors will open out on to the pool deck.  It will be full of items I have collected over time.  Most all of the walls will be made from old doors that have some type of old window in them. I’ve collected these doors from the side of the road and some have special meanings that I will love to think of while I work.  I bought a beautiful iron table base from Rustybydesignauction.com. It will be perfect after Greg puts an old wood top on it.  I have all kinds of goodies that I can’t wait to share with you.

I have felt so loved over this build of my new studio space.  Greg and his buddies have all been working so hard in the heat to get it just right.  My son has also been a big part of the build.  Greg has paid so much attention to detail and how this space will be full of my ideas and wishes.  I’m a very blessed girl to have a husband that has always let me follow my dreams.

So here we are at the start of my new charming and very much needed studio.  It will be simple but creative, loved but  well organized and most of all built on love with love.  I plan on making a lot of good memories inside these four little walls.  My heart is so full of love I can’t help but think about the selfless hours by these men building something that isn’t in anyway for their purpose.  I love knowing I’m loved this much.  My heart is full.

Over the next few weeks I will keep you up to date as to the progress of the build.  I will be redoing a few pieces of furniture for the new digs. You will see all the ends and outs as the walls go up and the doors and windows frame this sweet little studio space.

I’m in love with the fact that I’ll soon have a creative space with lots of light to work under.  The great thing is that with all the windows I will be able to see as much blue sky as my heart can stand.  This makes me oh so Blue Happy.  Do you have a dream?  Big or small you should make plans even if all you can do at the moment is just make plan on paper.  Planning and dreaming is good for the heart and good for the soul.  Do you have a dream? My dream fills my heart with love and this makes me Blue Happy.  Dream big so that you can be Blue Happy!

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