
March 9, 2016

All my life I have been judged in one way or the other. Judgement is such a weird thing. It’s someone that doesn’t know your heart giving their opinion about you, your race, your way of life and so much more. Passing judgement is such a weak way to handle life. 

We are all the same, ok some of us have girl parts and some have boy parts. How dark or light our skin is, our way of living life or really anything we shouldn’t be judged by anyone. 

I’ll be honest I have judged someone recently. In all accounts it was minor to me but really is any judgement on someone minor. No one has that right but God. My eyes have never been so open to judgement as they are now. 

If we were without sight how open our hearts would be. We would hear and see with our hearts. You could meet someone and have no idea the color of their skin or really any idea of their physical make up. Hearing their heart through their words is how you would know them. How sad the people we miss out on because we don’t give them a chance because in some small or big way we judge them. 

My faith teaches me judgement is in Gods hand. I’m human and I make mistakes. At the top of my bucket list is to stop judging people and to open my heart and offer grace. I had no idea that spring break vacation would offer such a gift of teaching to this teacher. 

Love every person that walks into your life. They are put their by God. Sometime for only a moment for you to give them hope or them to give you hope. Others are there for a life time to share your life. Try to be understanding of everyone. Leave judgement to God. Know that grumpy older person waiting on you has a life that might not be so great. A smile or friendly encounter with you could make their day. 

Try today to be that up lifting person for someone. Smile at ever person you see and leave judgement with God. It’s Wednesday so let it be the day that powers the rest of your week. Have a very Blue Happy day!!!

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