New Items!!

September 12, 2016

So I wanted to add a few things to the booth at Doc Holliday’s in Wylie. So I went to the storage stash to see what I could see. I dug in deep to find some great smalls to redo. I found a few and decided to have a nice quiet time in my studio Sunday afternoon painting and redoing. I wanted to do things that would help you all organize in your home. Lets face it we all need to organize more things in our home.

The first thing I pulled out was this great butterfly hook board. It has 2 small butterfly hooks and 1 dragon fly hook that would be great in any bathroom or bedroom for jewelry. It could even be used at the back door for keys. I have a hook set in my bathroom that I use for all my jewelry that I wear on a regular basis. It makes it easy to get to when getting ready and easy to put back at night when undressing. Keeps everything in its place. Paint, sand and a clear coat that’s all it took for this redo. I painted it out in gray because gray is a neutral color and can go with most any decor.  I put the hooks back on and decided not to paint them.  I liked the rusty look with the gray paint.  I sprayed them with clear coat so the paint and the rust are sealed.


I found this shelf in my stash that I picked up really cheap at a garage sale. These shelves were popular years ago but have sense been deemed “I’m over it decor”. We need to bring them back in areas of our home that need organizing. They are great at the back door for light weight jackets, purses or even towels in the bathroom. I have a few around my house for just these things. Ooh you could even paint them out in a whimsical way and put them on your patio for wet bathing suits and towels. Giving these shelves a quick paint job and adding a few extra’s will give it the personality it needs to fit into your home.

So that was my Sunday afternoon. I so enjoyed redoing both of these items. They will be at Doc Holliday’s on Tuesday ready for you to purchase and organize your home. It’s Monday folks and we get another chance at having a great week. Blue Happy Monday to you all!

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