Paying Up With A Special Weekend Blog

February 26, 2017

Well I missed a blog last Friday so here is the promised weekend blog to pay up. I’m feeling way better although that pesky little stone is still travel its way out of my body. Pretty sure if I put it on a necklace it would be the most expensive piece of jewelry I own. Other than that I’m moving forward past this down time.

A few weeks back I got this great little telephone table at and it was begging for a redo. Years ago people had these in their home sitting near where their home phone was stationed. Most homes only had one phone and it was usually in the center of the home. Most of these tables were not really fancy just a place on top for the phone to sit and a cubby below for the phone book if you were lucky. This table is something special with its cubby for the phone book, a larger surface for the phone with a place for pen and paper at the back. How great is this for todays need for a phone/tablet charging station.

First things first Greg drilled large holes in the back of the top cubby’s so charging cords can run through them. I sanded the table top really well and lightly sanded the rest of the body. I used Annie Sloan “Olive” paint for the entire body even inside the cubby. I wanted to make the charging station stand out so I painted it and stained the top Walnut. I loved the sanded edges when I was done but I wanted to make it look more aged than most of the things I do. I added the walnut stain all over on top of the “Olive” paint. WOW I love it!

Sometimes when I redesign a piece from the past it goes far away from it original purpose.  This time it was good the way it was but with a little twist it’s now a redo/reuse without much change.  Life can be that way sometimes we are so tired of the way life is going we just give up because it all seems hopeless.  All we need is to tweak a few things to make our lives run smoother.  Laundry was one of those things that made my life a mess.  It seemed never-ending until I tweaked it.  I put in a laundry basket system, I started gathering laundry every day and separating it out in my new basket system.  On Sunday and Thursday evenings I did laundry.  I washed, dried, folded and put away all of it.  This was the time I dedicated to laundry nothing else.  Sometimes because of family I had to move the day but always did it all in the time set aside.  This changed my life so much. No more laundry on the couch or in baskets all over the family room.  No more hating to go to bed because all that laundry that needed to be done was haunting me.  No more fights with Greg over dirty clothes.  It all made sense I tamed my laundry issues and life was better.  Small changes can make such a difference to our time.  Having a place where you know your phones/tablets are kept will organize it so you don’t have to look for cords or your phone.  Life is always better with organization.  Hope your weekend so far has been great and you finish it Blue Happy.

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