There Was A Reason No Blog On Friday

February 20, 2017

So last Thursday night Greg and I with a few friends went to a local Italian place to celebrate our friend John being in town. I knew we were eating out so all that day I did protein shakes. I do that so I don’t go outside of my calories when eating out. So the only real food I had was that night. I choose Shrimp and veggies. Well guess what I started feeling weird in my tummy a bit after but went to bed thinking I must have over ate and made my tiny tummy mad. Mind you I only ate 3 shrimp and about a half cup of veggies.

As always I got up Friday morning at 3:50, started getting dressed for the gym and I knew this wasn’t gonna happen. The more I move the sicker I got to my stomach and my head was pounding. I had to send out the text I do not want to send. That was “girls I’m sick I can’t make it to the gym”. I don’t think I’ve done that in a year since I started working out with the morning crew. I’ve missed for surgery but not sick.

I decided to lay back down and get dressed for school around 7am. By 8am I knew that wasn’t gonna happen either I was down for the count. I didn’t have a sore throat or a cough but my body was shutting down. I thought okay maybe the flu it is going around. It wasn’t the flu the test showed. What I had was a good old fashion case of food poisoning. I’ve never had this before it is terrible. I wasn’t me all weekend. I’m a person that only lays in my bed for rest. I never take naps, I never sleep in past 6:30 on the weekends and I never lay in bed and watch tv it’s just not me. After seeing the doctor I didn’t get out of bed until Sunday mid day. I’m still in pain my stomach hurts really bad but I gotta move on from this. I hope I never get this mess again. I’m gonna go to school tomorrow and try to make the entire day, but we will see.

I missed finishing my blog on Friday I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you by giving you an extra blog this week on Saturday. While I was down by booth at Doc Holliday’s sold all the big items but one. I’ll be restocking that over the next few days. I don’t do sick or down time very well.  When I have surgery I think I do better because I have time to prepare ahead.  This past few days has sent me in a bad OCD prepare frenzy.  So my house will be cleaned top to bottom inside and out over the next week as well.  Greg keeps telling me to calm myself down or I’ll be sick again.  I’ll try my best!

Last night I was feeling like my weekend was such a waste.  Nothing got done and I slept my days away.  Then my kids came to see me bringing all there sweet babies for me to cuddle.  At that moment I forgot all about my wasted weekend and enjoyed the moment.  Auntie Karen was here and she got to enjoy these babies as well.  Thanks for understand the missed blog on Friday but Tuesdays blog will be a good one. Have a Blue Happy Monday Ya’ll.

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