Where Is Blue Happy

September 21, 2018

Seems like a weird question but really it’s not. Blue Happy is going in many directions. So many directions we have brought on my daughter Heather to work with us. She is the back bone to this crazy thing called my computer. I’m really not sure all she does but what I do know is she is amazing at it. I’ve had less issue and less stress over my computer. I’m truly a gypsy soul and computers aren’t in my creative head. I’m excited that Heather will be blogging on Monday to let you know more about how we are growing. She is the girl with our plan. Make sure you read on Monday!

Doc Holiday’s is our home base store. I have built a family with a few of the women that are running their business out of Doc’s. My son and daughter in law have a business there as well. I love that Charla always helps him out and is willing to help with his booth set up. The other ladies always seem to be so caring to him and his family. Doc Holiday’s is where Blue Happy Living started and will continue to be a source for our customers and blog followers. We are restocking all weekend so drop by and check out the newbies.

Waco stores are growing fast with no letting up in sight. BoHo Buffalo is having their grand opening this weekend. We have been open but delayed the grand opening until now. The store looks amazing and it’s loaded with some really cute and cool items. This store is a bit different from Cameron’s and Doc Holiday’s. I don’t have a booth Blue Happy items are all around the store. So you need to look at everything if you want to find my items.
Located at 926 La Salle Ave.

Junky Monkey is just down the road in the big teal blue building. There is an old truck with a monkey driving on the side of the building. That should tell you this is a great store to go to for fun shopping. You never know what you will find there. This store is the same with my items scattered throughout the store. So go see if you can find my items.
Located at 1715 La Salle Ave.

Cameron’s is located at 618 Austin Ave. It is the same type store as Doc Holiday’s in Wylie. My booth is on the first floor. Go left inside the front door walk straight back and I’m on the right half way down (center section) . There is a Blue Happy Living.com sign on the wall. This store is busy with so much stuff to look at so make sure you give yourself time to shop. Hours are 10-6 M-F, 12-5 Sun.


I have to be honest and tell you I’m really only the artist in this crazy thing called Blue Happy. Greg is the business end and Heather is the marketing computer guru. Anna helps out in Waco and me I just do my art thing. I’m finding it harder and harder each day to believe this is my life.  I’ve moved from wanting to share my items to now having them in 4 different places.  The blog is moving ahead with lots of followers and life is so blessed.  Oh and here is a before and after just to end the blog on a recycled note cause that is what we do here at Blue Happy Living.


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