Sometimes You Have To Go Backwards

April 22, 2019

With all the rain we have had this winter and spring it’s been hard to make trips to Waco with an open truck. My dear sweet husband took my truck and had a top cover but on the bed. It’s been great as long as my pieces will lay down under the cover. It folds back for large piece but then there is the rain so those piece have to wait. Before the great cover on my truck was installed I made a trip to Waco with a beautiful 3 drawer piece. What started out to be a sunny day in Dallas turned quickly as it does here in Texas. The rain started on me halfway to Waco. It ended as soon as it started and this repeated all the way to Junky Monkey. The piece I had in the back got rained on. After I looked at it upon arrival it seemed ok. We dried it off and placed it in the store. Shortly after I left the color on the top started to change. The white top turned yellowish and bubbled up all over. Clearly it wouldn’t sell. I got the call to pick it up and fix it.

I don’t like to go backwards. I like to do things the right way the first time. It’s like looking for something because things are disorganized. It’s all a waste of time. This redo backwards proved to be something different. What I thought was just a dresser I painted out white, sanded back and clear coated in somewhat of a hurry taught me something. In my quest to fill up my space in my truck to take a full load I hurried this piece. I didn’t look at it like the art piece it was. The curves and turns of the body gave way to a perfectly gorgeous top. I hurried to finish it missing the sand and stain step to the top. It was faster and easier to just paint over it. I clearly didn’t see it for the value it really had. Having to go backwards seemed to be pointless but the real lesson was in the find of going backwards. I found that I need to slow down, to not rush the piece and miss it’s beauty. Every piece I do is beautiful before I even start. Most times you have to look really hard to find it because of the condition, but it’s always there. This piece seem to be asleep until I went backwards and retrieved it. Now it’s absolutely beautiful.


I think we all do that rush thing everyday in our lives. We miss moments we are standing in because we don’t take the time to live in that moment. We are always thinking ahead, whats the next thing on our list and every other thing on the to-do list. All the while life is rushing past us with spent moments we can never get back. The very minute you are standing in will never pass you again. The heart beats you feel in your chest are forever gone. Time is short so live life beautiful. Remove those things that cause you grief, cut loose those past memories and people that hurt you. Forgiveness will allow you to move forward. It doesn’t mean you have to invite that person or hurt back into your life. Life is full of changes and events. All of it is a path on your journey. Fill your day with prayer, hope and forgiveness so that your can look back with joy.

More about LaTonya