Family & Friends


Be Happy, Be Kind!

We all have the ability to rise each morning and decide what kind of day it will be for ourselves and those around us. Grumpy, sad, happy, or excited it’s our call as to how this day will go down. You’ve all heard the old story about the man goes to work and his boss was hateful and mean to him. The man goes home and takes it out on his wife by gripping about dinner. The wife in turn...

Young Mommies

Now that I’m the big 50 I view life differently than I did years ago.  Looking back, if I knew then what I know now would my life be different? Would I have taken a different path or would I have raised my family different? The answer is yes, yes and yes to all 3 of these questions.  I wish I would have understood that the small stuff really doesn’t matter. I wish I would have heard the words of...

Summer 2015

School starts back for me on Monday.  Well only the teachers for in service  with the kids following on Monday the 17th.  I guess you could say summer is coming to an end.  Yes the heat is still here and there is still weeks ahead of pool and patio time.  We have one more big pool party planned in the end August to finish off the season.  I have been in love this summer with who I have become.  I’ve...

End Summer with Style

Summer is running through my fingers like sand at the beach.  Soon we will be back to the hustle and bustle of school with homework, sports and meetings.  We start the new school year excited and ready to go. You can feel the holidays in the near distance.  WAIT! I’m not ready for the pool, long warm days and no school to be gone.  There is still time to get some summer in before it’s just a memory. If you...

The Intangible Benefits of Art

Kids are amazing artists. They don’t worry about what others think when it comes to their art work.   I’ve taught for many years in a private studio and in a private school and kids are all the same when it comes to art.  The most rewarding thing is to see a child’s face when they finish a piece and realize what they accomplished.  It is breath taking, worth more than I could ever pay for the art piece itself....