The Intangible Benefits of Art

July 28, 2015

Kids are amazing artists. They don’t worry about what others think when it comes to their art work.   I’ve taught for many years in a private studio and in a private school and kids are all the same when it comes to art.  The most rewarding thing is to see a child’s face when they finish a piece and realize what they accomplished.  It is breath taking, worth more than I could ever pay for the art piece itself.  Over the years I’ve seen many kids come through my class and overcome many issues.  For those kids with ADD it calmed them, for those kids with home problems it comforted them, and for those kids that had a bad day art made them happy.

Art is so much more than a canvas, paint brush, or clay.  It can fill your soul with happiness, comfort, and silence. All things we all need sometimes. As for me, art has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I painted when I was sad, happy and hurt.  You can read someone’s emotion through their art.

In a world where art is being cut back or completely removed from our schools I think the parents have to fill that spot. Make a box or closet that is full of art supplies, make sure the kids know it’s open for them to use. Set up family art night and do a project together. Have an art show just for your family and friends to enter, have prizes, and ribbons.  However you decide to celebrate art make it part of your family.  Art can bring you many hours of laughter and love.

Below are artwork pieces from my student, I’m so very proud of them.  This is why art makes me so Blue Happy!!!

Blue Happy Living - Student Artists


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