How Friendships are Like Furniture

July 29, 2015

Recently, I had the opportunity to redesign a desk for a sweet girl named Sydney. This little desk was so much fun to do.  I found it on the side of the road just like most of my treasures.  Someone loved it at one time, I could tell because it had been painted with cheerful colors.  Furniture is somewhat  like friendships we get tired of them because they bore us so we toss them to the side.  When all that friendship needs is to be refreshed.

First thing I did was sand away the rough edges and chipped paint.  Sometimes there are spots that can’t be smoothed out so I just accept it for what it is and move on.  It doesn’t have to be perfect that’s what gives it character. If you think about it preparing the piece of furniture is like renewing a friendship; sand away the rough edges, accept what you can’t get smooth and just let that be its character.

Okay now I’m ready to paint. I started with a base of blue and did 2 coats of it.  Once that dried  I started to think about the design and wanted it to be fun for Sydney.  I did several things to make it happy and fun. Finishing it off with a butterfly on the front of the desk.

The final step was to do a glaze over the entire piece to give it an aged look.  I did the same steps on the chair so it matched.  I applied 4 coats of clear finish to seal it.


Sydney loved her desk she took it to her apartment at college.  It was found as trash, rescued for a redo project and is loved and renewed.  That is what we all can do to the relationships in our lives to make us Blue Happy.

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