Weight loss


Dreams of Purpose

I’m not sure why or when this blog got in my head but it’s in there and if I don’t let it out it’s gonna burst. I’ve been thinking lately about my life and how I got to this point in my life. I’m not a person that has regrets. I believe that every moment of your day is led by a purpose. The good and the bad in your life is to teach you, move you and guide you...

Clarify, Recap & Whats Ahead

Good Morning it’s Friday the day we all look so forward to.  So I had a few question this week so let me clarify a few things.  On my front page I talked about my health and that I weighed 282lbs. Well I have been working really hard doing whatever it took to get my health back and I’m proud to say I’ve lost well over 100lbs, I’m off all medications, and have the strength to workout 5 days a...