Dreams of Purpose

October 13, 2015

I’m not sure why or when this blog got in my head but it’s in there and if I don’t let it out it’s gonna burst. I’ve been thinking lately about my life and how I got to this point in my life.

I’m not a person that has regrets. I believe that every moment of your day is led by a purpose. The good and the bad in your life is to teach you, move you and guide you in the direction of that purpose. I know without a doubt that God has a hand in everything we have, lose, gain, believe and the place where we are. I believe the plan for our life is our purpose and He knows our purpose.

We all have dreams that we want to accomplish. Dreams are what start us on the journey to that purpose. A little over a year ago I felt like I had come to a crossroads on my journey. I wasn’t sure I really knew which way to go but I knew I had to just trust and let go. I did, I changed everything in my comfort zone. I can tell you it was scary and still is scary. Everyday I can see and feel my path becoming more clear. I can feel the difference in my heart and the way I feel. I’m sure I’m on the right path even though it’s still a bit foggy. Blind trust is hard!

In August of this year after a very busy summer I had a moment in my car all by myself. I spent my summer teaching art camp to raise money for my art program followed by doing an auction to raise money for the school to have a new mic system. Before I knew it summer was over and I was in the mad dash to get ready for school to start back in late August. I spent the day at school and I was on my way home very tired and my head was spinning with questions. How would I get it all done this year? Teaching at Wylie Prep, writing a blog, starting the online business of Blue Happy Living, taking care of a house we are remodeling and then there is my family. I was tired thinking about it. As I drove down Hwy. 78 I had this warm feeling like a hug that says, “it’s okay you are going in the right direction, on the right path and following the right journey for your purpose.” I know that was God calming me, letting me know that I’m in line with his purpose for me. I can’t tell you how calm I felt and how loved I felt by Him.

I don’t think that dreams should have limits. Not age, money, race beliefs or others should stop you from fulfilling your dreams. I have a dear friend that has always told me she wanted to write a children’s book about a family member. She has talked about it but never acted on it. I wish she would it would be amazing. The stories she wants to write are true stories and would be lovely in a childs book. Sad but if she never follows her dream these stories will die with her. How sad is a story never told.

I can’t tell you how many times I have said to myself “What are you doing starting all over with this Blue Happy thing at your age?” I say that more often than I want to admit. I’m not going to give in to that it’s just fear talking. If I would have let those kinda thoughts get to me I wouldn’t have lost over a 100lbs. I would have just said it is what it is and your almost 50 so why now. I didn’t give up on myself and now at 50 I’m healthier than ever.

Blue Happy Living has ways to go but I’m not giving up on my dream to share my art and living life happier with others. Working on my dream makes me Blue Happy. Do you have a secret dream a journey you want to go on? Why not today why not now and why not you. Wanna write a book, travel or just start a small business? Go for it start your journey today with simple baby steps. If you do you will soon be seeing your Blue Happy!

More about LaTonya


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