Up the Wall Organizing

October 12, 2015

I’m all about using any and all space to organize my home. Under furniture, closets, shelves even on top of tables as long as it decoratively organized.

I found this Great Wall shelf rustybydesignauction.com and couldn’t wait to redo it. I wanted to give it a look that could be universal and usable in most any room. So I decided on cream and added  drawer pulls and hooks that would go with any decor.  The hooks on the side are for extra storage. It’s all about the form, function and decor.

I decided to dress this little cabinet up in four different ways so I could show you just how functional one piece could be. This was so fun but it proves you can make it storage for just about any space.

Laundry Room: We all have those laundry supplies we like to have easy on hand.  Well this is a great way to keep them out in the open without having them all cluttered up.  Stack up your cleaning towels and use the hooks for the spray bottles.  This makes doing the cleaning and laundry much easier. The two drawers would be a great place to put those unmatched socks.

Kitchen: How many kitchens big or small never have enough cabinet space? This little cabinet can add lots of storage for so many things.  Use it for those dishes you use everyday and want them quick at hand, or a spice rack would also be great.  The list could be long with great organizing ideas for the kitchen. The drawers could be used for pot holders or towels.

Bathroom: Storage in the bathroom is always limited.  There never seems to be enough. Here is your chance to add a big bang of storage to your bathroom.  Shelves for all those products along with 2 draws that can hold jewelry, medications or even pony tail holders.  This is an easy way to clear off your vanity.

Entry Way: In a home or an apartment we all need that place to put our keys, jacket or sunglasses.  This cabinet can serve as an entry way organizer.   You could use one of the hooks on the side for your keys. The two drawers could be great for extra keys, a place to put change or pens. Keeping everything tidy and you would always know where your keys are.

There are so many ways to use this other than the ones I’ve shown you above.  You could use this over a night stand to organize the things you need to keep by your bedside.  A great place for a cabinet like this would be in a child’s room to keep all those special little toys.  Or maybe in an office to keep awards, supplies or pictures of the family.  So many uses it makes me get so excited.  I want to find more of these wall units and do them up in many different colors, whimsical handles and fun hooks.

When you have a room full of things and you need to get organized think vertical. Walls are not just for art work. Walls can be one of the most forgotten places for organizing. It’s open real estate for all those little things that need a home. I love a well organize room. When everything is put away and comfortable. I’m truly a Blue Happy organized nut. Go organize yourself Blue Happy!

More about LaTonya