Holiday Organizing

October 9, 2015

Yikes! It’s that time already to think about the holidays and start getting ready for them. I spent so many years rushing around at the last-minute trying to pull it all together for the busy season. I would rush here and rush there, buy this and buy that, wrap it up and toss it under the tree. Well no more of those holidays ever again.

I think as a norm we all do the same thing when it comes to the holidays. We rush around and become so busy that we forget to enjoy what is happening around us. Then before you realize it’s  over and you are left with an empty feeling.

The best way to over come this is to not get so overwhelmed with the holidays to take a moment or two to just stop and enjoy it. I find making a list of the things you need to do will help with the organizing. But really the best tip I can give you is to simplify your holiday time.

Lets face it the holidays have become so over done. With over the top decorations and gift giving. Not to mention all the parties and events. So the best thing to do is to make a list and stick to it. You need to make a list for these things.
-Gift giving
-Parties and events
-Christmas card address list
-Cooking and recipes
-pictures (some families do this every year)

The holidays do not have to be this fast pace and expensive time at the end of each year. If you make a plan and set a budget, stick to it and don’t give in. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle of the holidays. You will enjoy your holiday so much more if when it’s over you don’t have bills and piles of mess all over your house.

I love to decorate but have made it more simple over the years. I have downsized my decorations and moved to a more simple organized plan that makes my home look festive but not so overwhelming. At the end of the holidays I can clean up everything in one afternoon. More time than that becomes such a chore that you don’t want to do it and it may drag out.

Holidays are about family and spending time with family. Make this holiday one you will cherish forever. Make it memorable and full of moments that will make you smile in the new year to come. Some of my favorite holidays were the times when we were a young family with little to no money. Our gifts were simple and our dinners were filling but low-cost. I remember those days so much more than the years that were full of expensive gifts and over flowing with abundance of treats to eat. My heart goes back to those memories and I have true Blue Happy memories. I know that if you make a plan, the holidays for you and your family will end with Blue Happy memories as well. Have a very Merry Blue Happy season!

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