You Can Create: Art Project on Canvas

July 7, 2015

It’s a Blue Happy Tuesday and I’ve got an art project for you.  You can share this with your family, friends or just paint it yourself.

First get your supplies ready. You will need paint brushes any size just what is comfortable for you to use.  I like a flat square one, a smaller angle tip and a thin liner brush.  For this picture you will need 9 colors.  I used a light and dark purple, blue and pink for the pedals. Yellow for the centers and Green for my back ground.  I used black for the finishing outline.. You will also need a canvas I used a 11×14 you can do any size.  If you are going to do a large group painting party I would go to Michael’s and get the 11×14 package of 10 canvases. It’s a great deal at $19.99!

flower painting how to step 1 and 2

First step is to draw your flowers.  I used 2 different sizes of bowls to trace my center circles. Then I added pedals to my flowers.  I did one flower different to make the picture more interesting.

Flower painting how to step 3 through 6

Now you are ready to paint.  You need to start with the back ground first.  I used a light green.  Make sure that you paint the side edges of the canvas in the green color.  This gives the project a finished look and (BONUS) you don’t have to frame it, you can just hang it! Next you should paint every other petal on your first flower a dark color. Go ahead and do this to each of your flowers.  By doing the dark color first it allows it to dry before you go to the next color.  If you need to you can use a blow dryer to speed up the drying.  After it’s dry you can move onto the light colors for the petals.Before you move on to the center of the flowers you need to make sure its all dry so the colors don’t mix or smear.  I painted the centers  yellow but you can use what ever color you want.  Again make sure the centers are dry before you move on to the final step.

flower painting how to - step 7

To me the final step is the best step it adds all the personality to the artwork.  You now can outline the flowers with the black so it makes the flower pop.  I always add a little water to my black paint so it flows off the liner brush better.  The add the dots to the center this is done with the hard end of the paint brush just dip it in the paint and tap it on the flower center.  Add the curly swirls and dots between the flowers.

Now enjoy your artwork!  You can use any colors and any style of flowers you want.  This can be a fun family project or a birthday party.  I have a few ladies who did this for a ladies night out.  What ever you use it for or who ever you share it with do it Blue Happy!

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