What Makes You Happy?

July 6, 2015

pencil drawing - appleIf I made a list of what makes me happy it would be rather long.  I would have things on my list like my faith, family, friends, good music and summer but with all that on my list art and painting would be one of the top listed .  Painting for me is like breathing! I can’t imagine not having the ability to pick up a brush and paint what I feel.  There have been times I couldn’t wait to get up or to get home because a painting was at my finger tips waiting to come out.  I love art, I love what it adds to life and I love to share it with others. Posted here in this blog are a few of my favorite art pieces I’ve done over the years.

acrylic painting - coffee girlwatercolor painting - wild flowersMost people think that art is paper, pencil, paint, canvas and pastels but it is so much more than supplies.  Art is about emotion, comfort, drama and  questions.  Art can make you think of a special moment in life or make you think, “what in the world was this artist thinking when they painted this?” I have had the pleasure of visiting many art galleries and viewing some of the great masters.  These great works of art inspire me with each story they wish to tell. I can only hope that I can paint with such passion and story telling.

acrylic painting - garden flowersacrylic painting - geometric fruitNot everyone can or wants to paint.  What makes you happy the same way painting makes you happy is what you should do every chance you get.  Travel, sewing, dancing or writing there are so many things you can be passionate about.  If you ask yourself at this moment, “Do I Do What Makes Me Happy?” What would that answer be? Do you follow your passion so its a part of yourlife? Start simple and continue to add it to your life.  Sooner or later it will be a natural part of you.

Life is short and you don’t get to hit replay, rewind or the DVR.  Its a one time showing! Go do Blue Happy Living!

acrylic painting - bird and brick

More about LaTonya

    1. LaTonya…
      You do beautiful work! Are any for sale?

      1. That is very sweet Sherri and I’m glad you ask. The paintings I showed in this blog are not for sale. I can do custom work and in the very near future I will have my work for sale here! I’m very excited to offer that to all of you. Let me know if you want to talk about a custom piece.

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