Holiday Todos

December 15, 2015

Well here we are a little over a week out from Christmas. I don’t know about you but I’m not ready. Stressing at this point is only going to give you a head ache and up set tummy. I’m just gonna get organized and make my list.

After I made my list I decided to go back through it and see if there was anything I could remove. Things that if not done our holiday wouldn’t fall apart. Surprisingly there were lots of things I removed. The less on the list the less stress and the more joy you will have. Sometimes we over think things and add more work to our lives that really doesn’t need to be there.  So I’m picking my work load carefully and I’m sure Christmas day will be just as wonderful as ever.

With all that has to be done don’t forget to be giving during this season. So many families don’t have a good Christmas due to so many stresses with in their daily lives. Job loss, divorce, death, lack of finances, illness and so much more. Giving the gift of a blessing is the best way to share your belief in the true meaning of Christmas.

For me and my family we celebrate the The birth of Jesus Christ. For us that is the true meaning of this holiday. It is important for us to keep that and honor his birthday. Last night I met a neighbor I had never met before. He was setting up a nativity set in his front yard. As he finished I ask if I could take a picture. He was so nice and said thank you for liking it so much. I loved talking with him as he told me how much he liked setting it up each year. It is very simple but has such a big impact. With all that is going on in this world my faith is a comfort to me. Passing this nativity each day or night will be a reminder as to what this season is all about.

With all that needs to be done, all that is going on and all that we feel like we are over whelmed by we have to slow down. Place first what the real meaning of Christmas is in our hearts. By doing that I’m sure you will find peace and harmony in your heart. Go have a Blue Happy holiday.

More about LaTonya

1 Comment
    1. Such a good reminder! I was just thinking yesterday about how I’m not sure I’ll be able to get all the things on my holiday bucket list done! So I think I’ll go back through and pick and choose for the most meaningful impact on my family without the stress!

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