Reach Out

December 16, 2015

As I look forward to the next few days having no plans but to enjoy my home I’m so excited. I have nowhere to go at all, no plans and no expectations but to just relax. Relaxing to me is doing a project that I have planned in my head. It’s art that needs to have a place to show, a place to be and to become what is in my head.

I thought about this project for months. I will be bringing together 3 pieces that most would put into the trash. As I made my plan in my head how to make this happen I got a phone call that changed my perspective. I can’t really go into detail but I will say that it is a reminder that every second is a gift we open. Once opened we can’t exchange it or get a refund it is spent. Spending a moment of your life angry, mean or hateful is a wasted moment.

You are never to young or old to have a dream. Make it clear in your head and go for it. Take every route possible to reach your goal. I have learned so much over the years about living a life that is empty of dreams. I spent so much time thinking well I’m to young, now to old, don’t have the money or people will think I’m stupid. I waited until I was 50 to follow a dream I have had for at least 30 years. So many of us live life day in and day only wishing the day away so we can leave a job we don’t wanna be at. Sadly never once dreaming and planning. Be encouraged, pray and soul search for your purpose in life.

Tomorrow I’m going to get up and turn my focus on the 3 broken pieces I will turn into a beautiful piece with new life. When we are given bad news or face a challenge in life we have to gather the broken pieces and give it new life. Life is hard and sometimes gathering the broken pieces is a long hard battle but holding strong to our faith will keep us moving. Don’t let fear block you from reaching out to those that love you. Ask for help and except it when it’s offered.  God puts people in your life to guide you along happy and difficult moments in life.  Reaching up from a hard place in life gives you the strength to step up and move forward.  These are the things that I learned from the girls at the gym.  My health struggle was real and I was lost in need of guidance.  God placed these women in my life to pull me up, hold me up and push me forward.  For those of you facing financial issues, health problems, family trouble or what ever life has put at your feet reach out there is a hand.

Thursday I will share with you what the 3 rescued pieces have become. I hope your day is full of blessings, hope and happiness. Take a moment to dream a Blue Happy dream.

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