Bucket List

March 4, 2016

This week has seemed forever long and never-ending. That is the way it always seems the week before you go on vacation. I don’t like to wish my time away but if I’m honest I did that this week.

This time of year I start to feel a bit worn out from all the things I’m involved in. For years I tried not to be involved in to many things because I wanted to give my kids my time. Recently I have been reminded that my children are grown and are adults. When they didn’t need me as much anymore I poured myself into my art and teaching so my time was full and not empty. When Ethan was born I realized that time with family and watching him grow was so precious but I still worked my days away. Where has time gone Ethan starts Kindergarten in the fall.

Lately I have been thinking about my time and how I spend it. What is fruitful and what is just time fillers. If I wanted to relax my life what would have to go and what would I keep? These are questions I will be searching my heart for over the next few weeks. I talk about being happy and what that means. For the most I follow these rules but I truly think my life has gotten so over filled that it is time to take inventory. I’m not going to do anything drastic or clear my calendar but I’m going to take my time more serious. Putting my faith, family and friends first is the most important thing and nothing else should come first.

I have always heard of people making bucket list and I thought it was really stupid. I’m honest enough to say I now have a bucket list. It is important for me to fulfill that list and step out of my comfort zone. If I would have made a bucket list 3 years ago it would have been a complete different list than today. My list is private because it has things that most wouldn’t understand. My list is long and heavy with accomplishments that are full of challenging work ahead.

I think it’s good for all of us to take a day and give thought to how and who we spend our time with. We need to take inventory of our bucket list. Not giving our time to ourself, family and friends is a life determined to be unhappy. With all my heart I love my family and friends but it’s time to love myself. Spending one more day asking myself why didn’t I do this or that is only a day wasted. Maybe my age is starting to show as I see time as my most precious valued belonging.

As I prepare to leave today all I can think about is all the things I wanted to get done before I left on vacation.  When I board the plane for Nashville  I will be leaving a list that is unfinished.  If you know me that is hard almost unbearable.  I’m going to put it out of my mind and enjoy this time off.  I’m leaving behind things that are hard to manage but will still be here when I get back.  I’m so looking forward to this time with Greg and sharing some memories with him.  Finding a day or a few hours to just stop and enjoy your family and friends is in order.  Making a bucket list of things you would love to do or see is how you will regain power over your life.  What would be on your bucket list?  How can you find just a few hours a week to add back to your life.  Working and paying your bills is important but adding to your heart and soul is so much more important.  I hope your weekend, spring break and hours of this next week are Blue Happy.

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