Oh My Gosh…..REALLY!!

June 9, 2016

I love love love HGTV.  It’s no secret it runs almost 24/7 in my home.  Even if I don’t have time to sit down and watch a show I like to hear it in the back ground.  That way if I hear something that I would like to learn I can run in the room and sit and watch. There are so many of the show’s like Love it or List it that make this organizing girl go mad.  When the show starts they take a tour of the home that is in question to see if it can work for the family because they think they have out grown the home. This is where I just go crazy.  I mean I start talking to the TV like Greg does during a Cowboys game.

The wife or husband say things like “the house just doesn’t work for us”.  “We have no room to store stuff” and my all time favorite”look at all our things they just don’t fit in this tiny little house”.  They show pictures of the house and it’s piled high with stuff everywhere.  One family had 4 teenage boys and I agree they needed help with all the sports equipment.  Then I notice in the corner a portable crib and toys for children under 5.  On top of another pile board games like chutes and ladders. I could make you a long list of things they had that these kids had out grown.  When the parents were asked by the designer who these things belong to the mom said my boys I just haven’t had time to get rid of them.  REALLY and you think your house is too small.  Well yes its to small if you keep a life time of everything!

Okay here is my point to this out burst.  If you feel your home is over whelmed and full to the brim take stock of what is in your home.  Don’t overwhelm yourself with the entire house in one day.  Take it one day at a time, one room at time and one item at time.  It’s been said before on Pinterest, the DIY channel and HGTV to organize and clean out a room you need 3 boxes marked DONATE, TRASH, KEEP and if you wanna make a bit of cash 1 box marked GARAGE SALE.  What a great way to get your kid to get rid of old toys, games and clothing.  As you clean give them tape or tags to price the items they will get to sale and make their own money.  This is a great way to teach them how to run a small store to make summer fun money.  Everybody gets to keep their own money and spend it how they want over the summer.

Yes the home you live in might be small and now that you have added children to the mix you might be full to the brim.  Maybe moving is the best plan but just maybe getting rid of all the things you don’t need can make your home just right again.  NO more clutter, NO more piles of what is all this stuff and NO more frustration looking for things you need but can’t find because its hidden by all the things you don’t need. In a few weeks I’m gonna do an entire week dedicated to organizing.  I have a few things in my home that well lets just say “What is all this stuff”  I’ll be starting in my Christmas closet.  Yes I have a closet dedicated just to Christmas stuff.  Don’t Judge!!

I hope for you that Thursday is gonna be a great way to go into your weekend. I’m spending lunch time with my daughter and Ethan so it looks like it’s gonna be a very Blue Happy afternoon.  Fridays blog will be a great one.  I’m gonna teach you how to water-color.  No not those little cheap trays of water-color I’ll be using tubes of water-color.  It’s a project adults and kids a like can learn from.  Have a Blue Happy Day!

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