Digging Deep Finding The Bright Side

September 6, 2018

This wasn’t the day I had planned. I planned on creating many things that have been stuck in my head. I had all my supplies ready. Cleared my day of anything but studio time. Planned out lunch and dinner so I didn’t have to stop. All of the sudden things changed. My head is so heavy with thoughts other than creative thoughts. I’m sure you are thinking oh my what happened. Hang on and I’ll spill the beans in a week or so.

Today got me thinking how many times do we have things go wrong or different from what we plan. I don’t know about you but it sends me into a spin that can get out of control. I can let it take over my day, week and really life in general can be altered by these events. Digging deep to rescue your own life is sometimes hard to do. Sometimes it what we need to do and have to do to put things back on track.

I had to share one piece of Fridays blog with you. It goes along with what happened with my thoughts today. If I wouldn’t have taken the time to dig deep and put things back on track life would be a mess. I put into perspective what this all really meant, how it could have been so much worse. When I look around at what others are going through this is a mere bump in the road. One family I’m praying for is going through so much but still their faith in God is a shinning light for others. I know of a family that has struggles with a child. Yet another friend has lost her marriage of many years. My day seems small in comparison.


So back to that piece that was for Friday’s blog. At an estate sale of an elderly couple Greg and I found a treasure. It’s hard to go to those sales when the couple or elderly person is there still living watching as people dig through their life treasures. People making remarks mostly unkind about their home and things. Paying pennies on the dollar for things they worked a life time to have. This sale was no different I watched as she sat in a chair quiet and watching. He wondered around the house watching as people touched his tools, treasure and life once lived. I think what was his daughter always asking if they were okay and did they need anything. I found a few things I wanted and then made my way to the garage. Didn’t really see anything but under an old tarp with lots of items piled on it a wooden leg was sticking out. Greg helped me clear off the items to unveil what was attached to this wooden leg. It was really a beautiful piece with great detail. It was damaged but nothing my sweet hubby couldn’t Blue Happy fix. I grabbed it up and stuck it in my pile. Greg stayed to look at the tools and I made my way to the long check out line. As I walk past the elderly women our eyes locked. I smiled as she did and she said that was one of my favorite tables. I almost couldn’t respond without tears but I did say mine too.

The point is in the middle of a day something so terrible happening to you knocks you off your feet. You have to crawl, walk or run and dig deep really deep to pull yourself up.  Deep enough to find hope and healing. Deep enough to give yourself support. Deep enough to let yourself know you will be alright in the end. I wish I could let her see the table. I can’t remember the estate sale company it came from or I would try. I just know that at the end of this very long day I’m giving a little hope back to something that meant something to someone special. To me that makes it a Blue Happy Day.

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