I Like Quickies

May 12, 2016

So the phone rings and you have someone dropping by in an hour to your house. OMG it’s a mess and you are in shock as to how to make it happen so they don’t see your house in shambles. You could just act like you are leaving and will not be home or you could be working in the yard and keep them outside. Nope that want work so you gotta at least make it presentable in now only 50 minutes. Why, because you wasted 10 minutes staring at this mess.

First think about what rooms they will be in and go for those rooms first. Here are 5 easy clean to do’s so it gets done quick.

  • First grab every thing that doesn’t belong in that room and move it to the room it goes in.  Don’t worry about putting it up in that room just toss and go!
  • Second fix any furniture that needs to be put into place, pillows fluffed, blankets folded and put away or chairs pushed up to the kitchen table.
  • Third clear any tables that have dishes or other objects dust only the tables next to the couch or wipe down the counter tops. Load dishes into dish washer if you need to.
  • Forth grab the vacuum or broom and do a center of the room clean up don’t waste time doing edges.
  • Fifth and final fix it quick cleaning spray some air freshener to give the house and room a fresh smell.  Pleasant smells go a long way.

Okay now the room is presentable but oh no what if they need to go to the bathroom.  You can pick up the bathroom they will use by using the same methods to give it a quick clean.  If they have to go into another room to get to the bathroom then you better pick that up to.  It is a spinning cycle when you get rushed like that but you will feel better if you home is presentable for your guest.  I admire my friends who just don’t care.  They can have piles of laundry, dirty dishes and just mess everywhere and it doesn’t seem to bother them at all. If it does they hide it well.

Depending on the season of life you are in depends on how your home is on a daily basis.  For me keeping it clean is important but even my home gets messy and needs a quick pick up.  These 5 tips can be put to use on your cleaning day as well.  Once you do the 5 steps you can go back and do the deep cleaning.  It makes it easier to deep clean when all the other mess is pick up and put away.

It’s the eve of your weekend Thursday! Having a clean house for the weekend can put you and your family in a great mood.  So go clean up the mess, get it over with and enjoy a Blue Happy Friday and weekend.

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