No Room For Unkind People

February 11, 2019

In this world we all have to deal with many things. The good the bad and the ugly will make or break your day. Heck that good, bad and ugly can make or break you life. It’s not the tragedy and blessings that make your life it’s what you do with it that tell your story. Today I was shock to be treated so rudely by a neighbor. I offered a kind word and she turned on me with a rude remark and hatefulness. At one point her words became threatening. I’ve waved at this lady a few time in her drive way. They aren’t a family that spends time outside of the house. She walks with a cane and seems to have trouble getting in and out of her car. I’ve prayed for her many times over the years we have lived here. Today is the first time she has ever really spoke to me. Her words were harsh and uncalled for.

I’ve learned to watch my step with people over the years. Trust isn’t something I pass out in abundance. Once someone told me “Crap on me once, sham on you. Crap on me twice sham on me”. I so believe in this quote. If you burn your hand and then touch it again you deserve the burn. Yes, yes I know forgive one and all. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to allow that person to hurt your again. Guarding your heart is also important.

It’s clear something wasn’t right in this ladies life today. She is anger and decided to take it out on me. I’m so over this kind of reaction by other people. Her reaction changed my day, put me in an upset mood. Made me want to put my house on the market and move. I spent my entire evening upset. I just wanted to say a few kind words. I had never seen her out in the yard like that, so why not. Now I know why not.

I work around the clock and the moments I have to share with others is so important to me. I’ve learned to stand my ground and not allow people that are hurtful into my life. I can’t afford the risk to my family and the risk to my heart. I’m blessed that I have so many wonderful people in my life and this moment today will fade and go away. I will always try to be kind to people and have a kind word to those I think need it. Tolerating those that don’t live by the code of kindness I have no room for you. Tomorrow is a gift and I’ll take that moving on from this evenings unkind neighbor.

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