Oh Where Has Blue Happy Been

February 5, 2019

I’ve been MIA on the blogging seen for over a week now. It wasn’t on purpose I promise. I’ve been in the depths of all of the amazing things happening in my Blue Happy world. I’ve had very little rest while all along keeping up with my workout, eating and keeping all my stores stocked up. The demand is taking a tole on me but I’m struggling along. Blue Happy has become a full time job. Creating, blogging, stocking and looking for treasures. Im looking for some down time but not sure it’s coming anytime soon. Although very busy I do see it all as a blessing and I never want too take that for granted. I know that my strength is by Him and through Him. My faith carries me everyday. Pretty sure I would be in a fetal position on the floor of my studio without my faith.

So what is up for us over here in Blue Happy. Well the pipeline is full and blessings are abundant. As always the stores will stay stocked and the creativity will move along as always. As for the blog I’m going to make sure that I have a new blog on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. This will roll out like this until June first and then we will be back to 5 blogs a week. I’m being real here people I can’t do it all without stumbling. So I sat down and decided what I could do and this is what I came up with. I dearly love sharing with you and I want to open up even more about what is going on in my studio. I’ve already started working on a plan for making the blogs more informative and with more detail on how to restore things. The Blue Happy Blog is under construction and come June first it will be so full of all kinds of things. I’m excited and can’t wait for you to see the new look.

So it’s late and I have gym, school and creative work tomorrow. There will be a blog on Wednesday and Friday this week so come on back. Tomorrow is the $10 table turned stunning piece.

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