Count Your Blessings

November 16, 2015

Paris. My thoughts have been all weekend with this beautiful city. I have never been to Paris but that doesn’t matter, my heart is still broken. At this moment we are nothing more than people praying for other people. No matter the distance, country or beliefs we are all effected by what happened.

When the world is turned upside down it gives you clarity as to what is important. When 9/11 completely turned the USA upside down my thoughts were with my children, husband, family and friends. I took inventory as to where everyone was at that horrible moment. Who was home, who was flying and are they all safe. I just remember feeling the need to gather them all and know they were safe at home tucked away from harm. The events in Paris caused those feelings to overwhelm me once more. As I’m sure the families in Paris felt the same way.

I’m not sure of all the details as to why this happened or who caused this but I do know that we all have a choice. The choice to respect life and those around us. We all wake up everyday with a beating heart and a blessing to give. It’s as simple as complimenting someone or helping them put groceries into the trunk of their car. To give a kind word or a smile. These things may seem small and not important in the big picture of what has happened, but it’s the small things that add up to make the difference.

I have often said that if you are out and about in your day and you notice how nice someone looks tell them or you make eye contact with a stranger give them a big hello or smile. I have always believed in my heart this is God letting you know that person needs to be loved. Kindness is so easy to give.

I’m praying for those families that lost loved ones. I’m praying for those that were lost and didn’t know God. I’m praying for those that caused this horrible event. I’m praying and giving thanks that I can pray and believe in God without being told I can’t. I’m very proud of my faith and thankful for it. I can’t imagine walking this life without my faith. Everyone should have a faith and beliefs to cling to in good and bad times. My faith is my Blue Happy in a complete picture.

This is the season of Thanksgiving. Really think about what you are thankful for and love that as if you have never before loved. I for one will be enjoying this holiday more than ever before. God Bless you all!

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