The Music Has Stopped

December 9, 2015

I talk a lot about passion and the importance it has in our lives. I’m a firm believer that we all need passion in our lives to be happy. Life is so full of ups and downs, ins and outs and just the normal mundane daily events. We are all looking for that passion to fuel us to make us feel alive.

Recently I noticed that the music in my neighborhood had stopped. Many times I could sit on my patio and enjoy the drumming of a nearby young person that was playing music. So talented and such a joy to hear on a nice night. Even Cooper my little dog would stand at the fence and turn his head and enjoy the music. Recently the music has stopped. I spoke with the parents and found out there is a medical issue that is preventing the playing of the music. Even surgery might not help and this might be the end of the music. Having your passion ripped from you may seem hopeless but it’s not. When a door closes a window opens. This young person has so much to offer and would be a blessing on any platform in the music world. Truly a blessed and gifted young person. My prayer for him is that he is led to his new passion and creativity. That he realizes that youth is his best path. What a blessing that God will grant him a second passion. I can’t wait to see what is new on the horizon.  Someday I will share with this young person how I enjoyed the music and how it blessed me.

I recently had a friend that was faced with a medical test that could have turned out for the worst.  During the waiting period she was so  strong and faithful it would be all okay.  After a week the test results came back all Good News! She stayed strong with her faith and stayed true to good thoughts.  It was inspiring for me to watch her be so strong.

I watch as parents are so overwhelmed with school, homework, church life, family events and so much more in their busy lives. We get so busy we forget to look around and see that passion, love, friends and family are right in front of us.  It is so easy to get overwhelmed and forget the important things. It is time to wake up and stop speeding through life.  It’s time to stop and enjoy life.

We are all faced with bad news in our lives. It’s what we do with that information and how we deal with it that makes us stronger. It’s perfectly normal to lose control when you get bad news and even cry a bit. I know I have those fall apart moments but I pray really hard and then get to my feet to start rebuilding my future. It really is only normal to react that way.

Whatever your passion, love it as if it was only temporary. Life is full of the unknown and changes happen everyday. Look within your heart for your passion and love. It is there you just need to find it.

Please pray for this young person. May you be blessed and give love during this holiday season. Have a Blue Happy holiday!

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