Monday Morning Here We Go!

January 11, 2016

It’s Monday Morning and we are so blessed to get another day to live, laugh and bless others. Mondays always come and most of us find ourselves with Monday morning blues. So lets turn this around lets flip it in our head as the best day of the week.

Waking up on Monday morning is like a free pass to start over. You have had a couple of days away from your regular routine. You weekend might have been full but now it’s back to reality. I know, try to take a deep breath and give new life to your attitude before you start your day.

My week is always full and sometimes become stale from doing the same old things day after day. I’ve decided to shake it up a bit and I’m starting something new this week. On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I will be getting up at 4:45 and going to the gym by 5:30. I’m gonna work out in a different way so my body gets a bit of shock. When you work out almost everyday its easy for your body to get use to your routine. So starting Monday I’m gonna wake up this body and change my routine.

When we do the same things over and over it’s so easy to get a bit lazy or at least I know I do. Not only with a work out plan this can apply to almost everything we do in life. Morning routine, our jobs, how we spend time as a family and even bed time routine can get boring. Decide to change something in your day at home, work, relationships and even how we pray. Just about anything can be changed. We need to shock our selves out of our daily routine and into living with excitement. It is exciting to be alive and feel full of life.

I have made a plan this week to get some things done on my to do list. I’m sure I will be tired when I’m done at school for the day but I’m gonna keep on kick’in it until I’m ready for bed. Life is to be lived and I’m gonna live it to its fullest every minute God gives me. I hope that your day is full of change and shock so you feel alive. Go out and have a shockingly Blue Happy Day!

More about LaTonya