Recycled Walls

January 6, 2016

I have been working on this studio space for what seems a life time. We are rounding the corner and the finish line is in sight. I can’t wait to get it all moved in and ready to go. We spent the better part a week covering the walls. Again I didn’t make things easy on my husband and son with another hair brain idea.

When it came to covering the walls I wanted to do something that was creative but also different. I had collected a lot of old pallets and that is what we used. Each pallet had to be torn apart. That job was done by son in the better part of a day. Then the process of putting the wall together started. It was like a jig saw puzzle but soon became one of the prettiest parts of the studio.

We have mixed and matched many different kinds of wall coverings but the pallet wood is one of my favorites. In the Thursday blog I will share with you the rest of the walls that include old framed mirrors, old windows and wood crate shelves. Most of these things were free or bought at a very low price.

Doing things on the cheap can sometimes be very taxing to your creative brain not to mention your hubbies patients. In the end it’s all worth it when you see the finished project. Even if I won the lottery I don’t think I would every pay to have work done or buy at full price. It’s just not in my nature.

What ever your vision is or your plan is just do it. If it doesn’t work out oh well just redo it until it’s right. We learn from those oops moments when decorating, creating and just life in general. I have had many not so Blue Happy moments but they turned Blue Happy because I tried again. Sometimes we are afraid to try and if we do and fail we find it hard to try again.  Life is about trying until you are happy.  Today just might be the day you are successful.  I hope that you have many Blue Happy moments ahead.

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