Nashville Bound!!

March 2, 2016

If you are employed by a school any school you are truly looking forward to spring break.  I know I am and it starts at the end of my last class this Friday.  I love my students and can’t imagine not being their teacher but let’s be honest we all need a break every once in a while.  Now I’m sure some of these precious ones will read my blog and nail me for this next remark but oh well here goes.  I will cherish a week with out anyone calling me Mrs. McCormick.  I hear my name at least 200 times a day it seems like, so a week with no Mrs. McCormick will be nice.  You watch the young one at the air port will call me Mrs. McCormick.

Yes the air port, DFW the place of fear for me.  I’m not a flyer never have been never will be.  I’m getting better at it because I fly with Mr. Travel (Greg) and he gets all the perks.  He gets into special clubs at the air port, gets to board before everyone else and there’s those upgrades to first class how nice.  Well on Friday I’m driving myself to the air port, checking myself in, boarding with all the other no benefit  flyers and not sitting in first class.  Why because I’m flying all alone to Nashville.  Greg is already there or should be when I arrive on Friday.  All this stress caused me to eat a gluten-free cookie today. DARN IT! Never the less I’m excited about my trip to Nashville.  I have been scoping out all of the treasure shops I could find on the internet.  Greg has promised he will stop at any and all places I ask, even if he has to do a U-turn and go back.  I will be visiting the American Pickers store  and hopefully bring home a treasure of two from there.  As always there will be lots and lots of T-shirts purchased.

While on the road we are going to do some Periscoping.  Yes Greg and I will have a live feed of us in the Blue Happy truck, restaurants  we stop at and while we shop.  If you don’t know what Periscope is don’t worry I didn’t either until SkinnyMeg told me.  It’s those young ones that teach you things.  SkinnyMeg is a pro at it check her out.  You have to down load the app to your phone and follow me Blue Happy Living.  Thats it, make sure you fix it to notify you when I’m on.  No worries if you miss me you can watch it later.  This is all new to this oldie but trying to get health lady.

I spent the better part of my day getting ready for this trip.  I panicked most of the day because I couldn’t find the vitamins I was out of.  Vitamins are not a guessing game Kroger, Walmart and Walgreen.  Do you say I GUESS we will care these this month and not these.  I mean really please stock all the vitamins all the time in chewable THANK YOU. Sorry for the rant it’s just so frustrating. Now that I’m all ready the rest of my week will be full of projects and Blue Happy Blog things.

I’m over the moon about my trip to Nashville.  I’ve always wanted to go there I’ve heard it’s beautiful.  I’m looking forward to the time alone with Greg for one on one conversations and making future plans.  The past few months have been heavy with illnesses of friends and family, work for both of us has been over the top busy and Blue Happy is growing. This is going to be time for us to get our feet pointed  in the same direction and our heads focused as to what needs to be on the to do list.  Most of all it will be a time to hold hands, cuddle, giggle and love each other.

I hope you will join us on periscope and read the blog I’ll be writing on the road from Nashville and the ride back to Texas.  This should be a crazy ride next week so hang on readers it might get bumpy.  I hope that you have a fantastic Wednesday and it’s a Blue Happy day all day.

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