Blog Vent I’m Angery

March 19, 2018

I have a competitive personality. I’m strong-willed and stubborn. I don’t like to be told no about anything. Bless my husbands heart for putting up with me all these years. It’s been a bumpy ride at times. My strong will have gotten me into many tight spots. Some how I’ve managed to rise to the occasion and pull my self out. It’s blinding at times because I have tunnel vision when I get focused on something. It’s hard for me to turn my head away because the focus has such a strong hold. The worst is when someone tells me I can’t do something. Oh Lord help me because the fire just got lit. That is where I find myself tonight, lit about something someone said to me today. No matter how hard I try I can’t stop thinking about it.

If at all possible I will try to put into perspective the person and commit made. It’s not as if they really knew what they were talking about because they haven’t walk the path I’ve walked in life. Making a blanket statement about something or someone without real knowledge is just pointless. Not to mention stupid. We all walk a different path even if they seem to be running the same path. Knowing what is in someones past doesn’t give you open permission to judge or make commit. I’m not an aggressive person with words I tend to sit back and let things soak in before I speak.  Most of the time I don’t speak I react silently in my own head with “I’ll show you”. Again that is where I am tonight.  I’m knocking at the door of “I’ll show you”.


We all walk a different path in life and no two people walk the same path.  It wasn’t ever intended to be like that.  Letting people live life and walk their own path is what we all need to do.  We are all guilty of trying to be something we aren’t to make others except us.  Gone are those days for me. Here I am take it or leave it. I am who and what I am.  Those words are so refreshing but heavy in so many ways. Today not a banner moment for me.  I let someone who thinks they have walked my same path get to me.  I guess I should at least tell you what was said. After saying she was a newbie gym rat this young lady said……. “You know at your age it’s impossible to maintain this working out thing you do. You can never go back and get the body you had as a youth.  You should just be happy to get up and take a walk.  Leave the real working out to the younger crowd.”  Oh my dear you have no idea what monster you just woke up.  I’ve had to fight all my life to hold my ground.  I’ve had to scratch my way through people who thought I was nothing worth acknowledging.  I believe you miss understood the intentions of my journey.  It has never been about skinny, looks or reliving my youth.  It was about believing in myself, loving myself enough to change my health and most of all honoring the body God gave me.  So as you read this blog and you will because you always do, remember one thing.  Never underestimate the power behind someone who is a fighter.  Never under-estimate the will power of someone who is strong-willed.  Most of all live you own life  without judging others.  I hold no anger towards you only your stupidity. Now sit back and watch as I take back my youthful body!!

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