The Hard Truth Of 2017

January 1, 2018

As the new year approached I had great plans on how to end 2017 and start 2018. I looked forward to my Christmas break because I made so many plans to get so much done. I wrote out my plan with daily challenges to make the most of my time. Well if you have been reading my blog you know things didn’t go as planned at all. With the hospital stay that rolled right into Christmas followed by a double ear infection nothing got done. All of the down time for this or that really got to me.  It forced me to slow my roll and give into letting myself heal.  What I thought was such a bad thing turned out to be just what I needed. Time to think about things, heal my body and make a plan for 2018.

I’m not a person that stays down long. After all life is short and we are never promised tomorrow.  To me how sad if you spend today sitting on the couch crying over what happened in your past then you die the next day.  Your last day wasn’t spent with who you love or what you love doing. You spent it reliving the past and we all know that is something you can never change.  Someone said to me once you should have that cup cake if you want it,  you never know if it’s gonna be your last.  That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.  I don’t want to take my last breath on earth putting value on a chocolate cup cake.  There are so many more things I would do and value higher than a cup cake.

So here is where I’m at on this first day of 2018. I’m going to start the first day of this year and live it as if this is the last year of my life here on earth.  WOW the thoughts that are going on in my head right now.  Really take a moment and think about that.  You only have one year to live life.  Your expiration date is December 31st 2018.   It’s confession time over here at my little Mac.  I LET WAY TO MANY THINGS, PEOPLE AND FADING DREAMS GET TO ME IN 2017. Yep that’s right I let events that happened and or didn’t happen get the best of me.  I cried over spilled milk way to many times this year.  I let people who are angry, sad, pitiful and pointless get under my skin.  I tried to fix those that don’t want to be fixed and make them love life.  When in reality only people can fix their own heart, you can’t beg them to love life.  I allowed some of my dreams to get a bit unraveled and fade into the back ground.  Time to pull up my boot straps and run.  Time to move on from those people in my life that are like a heavy weight tied around my feet.  I need to put what is important to me first, up front and shine the light on those that I love the most.  I’m done with pointless garbage and talk.  I’m going to speak my mind and let my thoughts and feelings be heard.  If it isn’t moving me forward I’m moving on.  I’m going to polish up those dreams and make them happen.  I’ve made a list of dreams, accomplishments and desires and I’m posting them to where I can see them daily in my life. I’m going to wake each morning and “Own What I Want”.  What I want is a life that is full, exciting and strong. I’m going to fight age and all that tears you down with a vengeance. I’m going to invest in the power of prayer and my faith.  Making that the strong hold that keeps me going.  Fueling my body with food that powers me and not drag me down.  Increase my exercise and let it fuel my days.  Most of all be silent and hear what God is telling me and where he is leading me.  I’m aware that by doing this it will bring about great joy, sadness and uneasy feelings.  Trusting in him will help me walk those new paths in life I’ve never been down.

I’m excited for all that is ahead of me in 2018.  Living each day as if it were my last day of life. Knowing that at the end of each day as I lay my head on my pillow I lived this life God in trusted to me full and hard.

More about LaTonya