Wacky Wednesday

September 9, 2015

I don’t know about you but these Monday holidays always mess me up. I thought Monday was Sunday and Tuesday was Monday! It’s just messed up!

So today is Wednesday but to me seems like Tuesday. Sometimes change can set us off in a direction we just don’t want to go. I for one don’t like any change. I’m so routine I do the same thing everyday. I order the same food at the restaurant, even like to park in the same parking spot over and over again.

Change can bring about feelings that are good and bad. Lots of emotion can be stirred because of change. Ten years ago I was asked to teach at Wylie Prep. I was honored they asked me but scared to take a new path. My point is sometimes we just have to step out of our little box, we may need to wear a different pair of pants even, and then walk a different path.

My decision to step out of my tight little box was scary but turned out to be one of the best things I’ve ever done. Redecorating and remodeling my home is hard for me to do. The picking of colors and decor is nothing, I could do that all day long. The changing of things like tile, furniture, paint and walls becomes, in some cases, painful for me. If the smallest thing doesn’t go as planned I have a major fall apart. My husband says he can tell because I become quiet with no expression.

Not only does the redecorating get to me but if my house gets out-of-order I become withdrawn and quiet. I can’t go to bed at night if I know something is undone in my home. I try to sleep but it bugs the poop out of me until I get up and fold those towels or load those dishes.

All my friends and family are very understanding. We ALL tease about it on a regular basis, but they all know it’s a reality for me. I have spent lots of money on books and programs on how to overcome this. I talked with doctors for information. I’ve been offered meds, meds and more meds. I’ve prayed about it and this is what I’ve come up with. I like the way I am, I like that things in my life have to be in order. I don’t do messy or disorganized. I don’t expect others in my life to be that way or keep their home that way. My issue is only with me and no one else.

We are all very different in many ways. My children don’t over think their homes, cars and lives the way I do and that is okay. My husband is okay with me and all my weirdness if I changed he more than likely wouldn’t like the change. I always know where everything in my home is. I rarely or never have to look for anything.

Blue Happy Living was partly about accepting who I am and how I am. I work on that everyday when I wake up. I’m not sure each day if I can change, relax or just let things go, but I try, hope and pray. I have excepted me and that is good. I’m in a Blue Happy place in my life. We all need to just accept who we are and how we are. That doesn’t mean you stop working on your self, it just means you just give yourself permission to love who you are and move forward in life without all the drama. Decide today to be Blue Happy with all you are, all you have and all you dream of. Go be Blue Happy!

More about LaTonya


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