Digging Deep

January 14, 2016

I’ve heard so many people talk about their New Years Resolutions. On Monday I heard someone say they had already broke and given up on theirs. That is why I don’t make them because when you don’t hit them you feel defeated. Making a plan to better your life in small stages seems to be more likely to work out. When plans don’t work out you can just regroup and move forward with a revised plan.

My biggest plan was to step out of my comfort zone in many areas of my life.  Putting that plan in action has been an eye opener.  Working out at 5:30 in the morning is to say the least HARD.  I’m an early riser but I don’t get dressed, leave the house or drive before 7:00 in the morning.  My body, mind and soul has been challenged  this week with the new route. On Wednesday I got up at 4:15 was at the gym at 5:30, got back home at 7 then taught until 4.  I drove home thinking all I want to do is go to bed, but I didn’t I did a few things around the house then off to Zumba 6:30 to 7:30.  Ten minutes into Zumba I wanted to just grab my bag and go home I had to dig deep to find the energy to finish the class.  I finished the class but it proved to me we all have the ability to dig deep and reach the finish line.

I see people digging deep every day they have no idea they inspire me and so many others.  My friend Anna rises every day at 5:30 not to go to the gym but to get her little girl ready for school then off to work an hour away.  She works all day then heads to the gym all to get healthy and fit. I watch her fight all the way though her 3rd class in a night.  She inspires me to dig deep really deep.  A dear friend of my is dealing with an illness everyday she goes to work as if nothing is happening.  I’ve watched her only cry when no one is looking, take care of her family and do this all looking beautiful.  If you saw her on the street you would never know that she was sick.  She is so amazing to me again making me dig deep to walk everyday digging deeper.  There are so many people in my life that dig deep everyday to  make sure they reach the point to living their life to its fullest.  It’s not hard to find them just look around get quiet and you will see and hear them and their story.

I’ve planted my feet firm in 2016 with a plan for life not a resolution that can and will be broken.  I’m excited to dig deeper into what I want out of life and where I want to be at the end of this year.  I’m not gonna give in to a weak moment or a little bit of tiredness.  I hope that you look around and find those that will inspire you to make a plan and dig deep to make that plan happen.  Have a Blue Happy inspiring day.

More about LaTonya